Exceptional 2024 HSC results have CCGS ranked at number 46 in the top 100 NSW schools.
Results at a glance
- CCGS ranked 46 out of approximately 800 schools
- 21% of students achieved an ATAR of 95+
- 31% of students achieved an ATAR of 90+
- 70% of all exams sat resulted in a Band 5 or 6
- 84 students were recognised on the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Distinguished Achievers list for achieving a Band 6 in one or more of their subjects
- 32 HSC Major Work nominations
- 11th consecutive year listed as a Top 100 NSW School
- 10th in NSW for English Advanced and English Extension in the SMH Top Independent School's list
We are very proud of the collective and individual achievements of our students, some of which include:
- Karina Cowie was named Dux of the School with an ATAR of 99.3.
- Poppy Cameron, Karina Cowie, Jacob Crane and Lincoln Matodes were honoured by inclusion in the NESA All Rounders list for achieving Band 6 in 10 or more units of study.
- Lindsay Hallam, Janine Southwell and Sherry Li achieved one of the highest places in an HSC course in the state.
- In Dance, Ava Chippeck's Dance Core Performance was selected to be performed at the CALLBACK showcase in Sydney.
- In Visual Arts, Modie Schmidt's film was chosen for ARTEXPRESS.
View our HSC Results Brochure.
You can view the full news release and results here.